The Sin of Discontentment

“There is nothing upon which I look back with more real shame- and I hope, real sorrow- than upon past seasons of murmuring, discontent, and fretfulness.

“While I was under the dominion of discontent and unthankfulness, I did not consider the devastation. All this time I was being robbed of my faith, hope, peace, confidence, my innumerable comforts…

“The sin of discontent… blights and withers all the Christian graces; it robs God of glory; it turns all the privileges and blessings we have into poison.

“Nothing can be more opposed to that exhortation of the apostle: ‘Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.'”

Sarah Hawkes (1759-1832)

Goodness, precious Sarah. Way to spell it out. You’re self awareness is a revelation. (She’s yet another saint I plan to seek out and get to know in the next life! God’s family is just so cool.)

Just as Ms. Sarah pondered the sin of discontentment and its consequences, lately I too have been thinking about its ramifications. Discontentment is a rampant plague of our day. Comparison. Jealousy. Dissatisfaction with our current stations. Always seeking. Never satisfied. We’re a grumbling complaining mess. Unthankfulness is dangerous to our souls.

I could talk about how God severely judged Israel in the desert for their grumbling and complaining in Exodus 5. (Go read it!) I could list other Biblical examples to demonstrate just what Jesus thinks about an ungrateful heart. But I’m not going to do that. Instead, this post will a bit of a departure from my usual teaching style to strive more for remedy and application.

I am going to write a list of things I am thankful for as a spiritual exercise. (I invite you, dear reader, to fire up your word processing application to follow suit.) As I write my gratitude list, I remember that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Heavenly Lights (James 1:17). EVERY good gift comes from above. I want to take the time to recognize a few of these good gifts to say, “Thank You,” to God. In this way, I lead my heart into gratefulness and ward of the sin of discontentment. It’s how I follow Paul’s advice to “renew my mind” (Romans 2:12).

So, without further ado, I am thankful for:

  1. technology. I use technology to do my work as a dyslexia therapist. I use it to write this blog. I use it to stay informed of things happening right now on the other side of the world. (As an aside, I am reminded that Jesus told us that in the last days, knowledge would increase. I love that God is not one to exaggerate. In fact, the Bible is so beautifully understated. When Jesus said knowledge would increase, He wasn’t kidding.)
  2. dance; God, in His sovereignty, decided to give me the ability to dance. I will one day dance around His throne without physical limitations and with full understanding. Maybe I’ll get to see King David dance too. Oh what a day it will be!
  3. colors and the ability to perceive them; Can you imagine not being able to see? What if this world were only five shades of grey? Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of physical sight and for giving me spiritual eyes to see Your truth.
  4. my students; I am grateful for each one of them, and I am forever thankful that their parents entrust a part of their children’s day to me. It’s an honor and privilege I do not take on lightly.
  5. my blue Kia Rio. It is a basic economy car that gets me from A to B. I don’t have power windows or power locks. Forget leather seats or a sunroof! I bought my car in 2018 as an emotionally broken newly-single adult who badly needed transportation. At the time of purchase, I didn’t know if I would qualify for a car loan- and was overjoyed and overflowing with gratitude when I did. After I drove the Rio home, I remember my confused children asking, “How do you roll down the windows?” I laughed and explained the old school hand crank. My little car has taken me to Mississippi for graduate classes. It took me on my first dates with my now husband. It allowed me to be an Uber Driver when I desperately needed income. There are many other vehicles on the road that are much more flashy with more outstanding features and amenities. However, I can promise you that you won’t find many drivers more grateful for their vehicle than this girl right here.
  6. The Joy of Cooking cookbook Steve bought for me; Mom had this book in the kitchen as I was growing up, so I wanted one too. Steve remembered I wanted the cookbook and got it for me for Christmas one year. It’s displayed prominently on my book shelf.
  7. great Bible teachers like Alistair Begg, Perry Stone, Allen Nolan, Paul Washer, Ravi Zacharias (despite his failings), Jerry Peebles, Charles Spurgeon, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dwight L. Moody, John MacArthur, Janet Parshall, Charles Swindoll, Derek Prince, Ray Comfort, Ken Ham, Chip Ingram, Jimmy Evans, Robert Morris, and so many others who have given their lives to the advancement of the Gospel. These folks have not only helped me understand the Bible better, but these preacher/teacher saints were also used by the Holy Spirit to sanctify me through the washing of the water of the Word.
  8. Bulgaria’s roses. I traveled to Bulgaria a couple of years ago. Bulgaria’s dark loamy soil helps produce the most gorgeous roses in the world. I cried more than once looking at these beautiful flowers.
  9. washing machines and dryers; The other day I was dreading doing laundry. As I was loading the washer, it occurred to me that just a couple of generations ago, our grandmothers had no such machine to help them on washing day. That thought shut down my silent complaining real quick.
  10. rest stops along the road; I’ve had my gall bladder removed- if you know, you know. I can tell you with all sincerity that I have literally praised the Lord after seeing a “Rest Area” sign on the highway.
  11. blood donors who have kept me healthy when I needed a transfusion; If you’re a blood donor- thank you.
  12. Dark chocolate; I’m particularly grateful for this yumminess on certain days of the month.
  13. an electric blanket that keeps my iron-deficient body warm; My husband gave me two electric blankets one year for Christmas. They are life in the winter!
  14. the ability to share and reason with God; on a recent drive I was talking to God about all the things that make people special because He created us His image. (We can think, communicate, create, and are consciously aware- unlike other created beings.) Somewhere in my mental meanderings, I randomly wished that people could fly like birds. I felt like I heard a cheeky response to that wishful thought from the Holy Spirit: “I gave people a mind that allows them to fly.” I chuckled and answered back, “Touché, Jesus.”
  15. sponges that have a textured side and a regular spongy side; They make cleaning so much more efficient!
  16. polarized sunglasses; Dude. If you haven’t tried these at the beach, polarized sunglasses make a HUGE difference in visibility.
  17. the fact that my husband likes to snuggle; I joke that I am a “Care Bear” because I like to cuddle so much. I am grateful God has given me a partner who never tires… and I mean never tires… of snuggles.
  18. my nail tech; She is so sweet and kind. She diligently takes care of her parents and husband at home while making so many women feel better throughout her workday. She has no idea how special she is. God help her to know how special she is!
  19. the night I was allowed to see the Holy Spirit; This experience not only changed my life but it anchors me in good times and in bad times.
  20. my spouse’s laugh that is rich and heady like dark molasses
  21. all the days spent out on the water growing up; I never knew what a blessing it was to have a boat until I got older. My brother and I learned to ski when we were just five-years-old. Summers at Raccoon Lake in Indiana were the best!
  22. my daughter’s compassion for even perfect strangers; She never lets me or anyone else get away with treating others poorly.
  23. travel; I simply love to travel, and I have been lucky over the past couple of years to visit so many new and wonderful places.
  24. Red Wood Trees; I. LITERALLY. DIE.
  25. my husband; Before time began, Jesus thought to create this whole other beautiful and kind person with me in mind. This reality drives me to my knees.
  26. my son’s empathy; it takes bravery and courage to be an empathetic male.
  27. music; I feel it. Music is transformative. It’s powerful. It can express what we are feeling unlike any other medium. What must music in heaven sound like? Sighhhh.
  28. my mother’s loyalty that holds strong even through great trial; Her faithfulness is unwavering.
  29. all the things my mom taught me; how to wrap a gift; how to make biscuits and gravy; how to clean a bathroom; how to say thank you!; how to be assertive; how to adult.
  30. leather items; Real buttery leather is worth paying a little extra for.
  31. the screened in back patio; I watch the sunrise and birds eat out of a little birdfeeder my husband set up from the patio. I drink coffee with Steve in the evening on the patio. The first warm nights after winter on the patio make me happy.
  32. the typing class I took in 9th grade; I can think of no other class that has benefitted me more.
  33. Indiana University; I completed my undergrad degree there. The grassy rolling hills campus is absolutely beautiful. Earth-toned mums will always be synonymous with fall in Bloomington, Indiana.
  34. my dad’s service to his family throughout his entire life; Dad finished strong. I am so proud of him.
  35. shoes; Ask my husband. I love shoes. One day, if God really wants to spoil me, I might own a pair of red-bottomed heeled Louis Vuitton’s.
  36. my twin brother’s ahead-of-its-time book, The Omega Manifesto; If you haven’t read it, READ IT NOW! (Hey, Scott! Write an update, bro!)
  37. all the different seasonings that make all the different savory dishes so yummy! Saffron, basil, cinnamon, and sumac are my favorites. Don’t forget Tony’s- I live in the south now ya’ll!
  38. the ability to perceive time accurately; I now understand through first hand experience that not all people can correctly judge the passage of time or properly predict how much time a particular task will take. I had no idea that “time blindness” was even a thing until a couple of years ago. Time management and proper planning are gifts God has given me. Now that I understand how others struggle with these skills, I am very grateful to be born with a natural ability to perceive time and plan accordingly.
  39. rainbows; They remind me of God’s grace. They also help me to remember that Noah was a real person- and he was faithful even when it was really really hard to be.
  40. breastfeeding my babies; I will always be grateful for the time I was able to nourish my babies. The process is so miraculous!
  41. earbuds; Can you imagine life without them now that we have them? I’m currently listening to a Phil Wickham song on repeat as I type this list using… earbuds.
  42. USPS, Amazon, and Instacart; I don’t even have to leave the comfort of my home to get the things I want and need!
  43. Francine Rivers; She authored my favorite book, Redeeming Love. Her personal testimony is amazing.
  44. Palmer’s shea butter lotion; It’s the best- trust me on this.
  45. Duolingo; I am learning Spanish using this app! It’s hard, but it is also engaging and fun.
  46. photographs- both digital and hard copy; My dad is gone, but I still have pictures of him. My children are grown, but I can recall what they looked like as babies because some very smart men invented a way to capture light.
  47. adoption; My spiritual adoption gives me eternal life. My earthly adoption gave me a family.
  48. Valentine’s Day; It’s my favorite holiday because it celebrates love. What could be better than that?
  49. the fact that God helps me be a better “bonus” parent; step-parenting is hard. The truths in Scripture help me to better navigate a blended family with grace and perseverance.
  50. the YouTube channel I Am Second. Revelation 12:11 says that we are “saved by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”. A testimony is a powerful tool in Abba Father’s arsenal to lead people to His Son. This YouTube Channel is full of real people sharing their real story of how they came to know Jesus.
  51. Dani and Valerie; Friends are God’s greatest gifts.
  52. Weathertech floormats; I didn’t know these existed until I started living on a dirt road and was complaining about how icky my car floors were getting. Steve bought me nifty new floormats that have not only protected my car from the dirt road, but they’ve also been super handy when Ubering around sandy beach tourists!
  53. sleep; Rest, true magnificent rest, is a gift from above.
  54. fall foliage; If I were writing a song for Julie Andrews; color leaves would make my “favorite things” list. Not only are on fire autumn trees beautiful, but the smell of fall is also just the best thing ever.
  55. my beating heart; On average, my hard-working heart beats over 100,000 times a day. What kind of Mind could make such an organ? It’s mind-boggling.
  56. my husband’s prayers; The other day, as we were going to sleep, I asked Steve, “What are you thinking about?” He said, “I’m praying.” “About what?” I asked. He said, “I just said to God, ‘I hope You had a good day, Jesus.'” My selfless husband. Instead of coming to God with a laundry list of wants, Steve cared about God’s feelings first. Ya’ll. I might have cried.
  57. lipstick; Sometimes a girl just needs a little moisturizing color!
  58. telescopes; Steve set up a telescope that allowed me to see Jupiter and Saturn for myself for the first time a couple of years ago. As I gazed at the magnified planets that evening, I thought of their Creator. Jesus made all this cool stuff in the heavens that up until recent history we could not see. I imagine God waiting patiently for men to invent things like telescopes and Hubble so that we could marvel and rejoice over all the wonderful things He has made.
  59. self employment; I love working for myself and being my own boss.
  60. answered prayers; From the trivial (“Help me find my keys, God!”) to the monumental (“Save my child!”), God hears me. I’ve learned that sometimes His answer is no. That’s hard to hear and live through. But God listens to my every thought and intention, and He cares so very deeply about the details. What a blessing to serve a God like this. What a humbling thing it is to know Jesus as a Friend.

I could keep going, but I don’t want to wax on forever and make this laborious to read. Instead, I’ll end by saying that having an “attitude of gratitude” is easy if you take the time to recognize the many many good gifts Our Father gives. Like any parent, I am certain God likes it when we take the time to thank Him for the care and provision He graciously gives.

Be thankful, my friends. Contentment follows a grateful heart.